Introducing The New Functionality For Our Tinnitus Relief App

Tinnitus Treatment Android

Dr. Hodge and the other tinnitus specialists at Tinnitus Treatment are always looking for new ways to improve our tinnitus-related products and services. One way we have helped combat the ear ringing sound that our patients experience due to tinnitus is through our cutting-edge tinnitus relief app.

Our app presents the user with a counter soundwave to help with the ringing and buzzing of those with tinnitus. We have seen amazing results thanks to our app, with some patients seeing improvements in just 4 weeks! The team at Tinnitus Treatment is very excited to introduce our newest functionality for our tinnitus relief app: sleep mode.

Introducing Sleep Mode 

The new sleep mode function on our tinnitus relief app is a two-hour treatment block that can be listened to while you are asleep. Using sleep mode every night will yield the best results in conjunction with sound therapy, which should help you fall asleep. 

Enjoy A Better Night’s Sleep 

Because of the ear ringing sound that people with tinnitus sound experience, many find it difficult to fall asleep and experience poor sleep quality. The new sleep mode functionality on our tinnitus relief app is designed to help you get a better night’s sleep and not be woken up by unexpected noises throughout the night. Wake up feeling refreshed!

Enjoy The Convenience Of Healing While You Sleep 

We recommend that you use the tinnitus relief app for around two hours every day, but we understand that many people have busy lives and find it difficult to find a two-hour gap where they can use the app. That is why the sleep mode is so convenient! Simply get in your two hours of hearing therapy while you’re asleep!

Custom Settings 

When you begin the sound therapy, you can choose from pink, white or red noise. From here, the app will blend seamlessly into sleep mode. The sound therapy can be customised to settings that are ideal for your tinnitus frequency.

Want to know more about our tinnitus relief app, or would you like to book an appointment with Dr. Hodge? Get in touch with the Tinnitus Treatment team today and speak to one of our tinnitus specialists.