Is Your Ear Ringing? It Could Be Tinnitus

A ringing sound in the ear is a sign of tinnitus. If you are feeling some concern about this, there is no need to panic, but it is a good idea to have your ear checked by an audiologist or ENT specialist. Tinnitus has many causes, some of them being ear infections or ear wax blockage. This article provides a useful overview of tinnitus, how it affects people worldwide and what you can do about it.

Start By Identifying Your Frequency 

Tinnitus is characterised by a high-frequency ear ringing that no one else can hear except the person suffering from it. Some patients may also hear a hissing or whistling sound in the ear, which is all related to tinnitus. This ear condition affects several people in all parts of the world, and unfortunately, there is no cure. 

However, Dr JC Hodge has developed a treatment app that can help tinnitus sufferers cope much better with the symptoms and lead a normal life. The app trains your brain to ignore the constant buzzing sound and reduces patients’ sense of irritation and discomfort. But first, Dr Hodge recommends that you should start by identifying the frequency of your ear ringing for the tinnitus treatment to work properly.

How To Check Your Frequency & Stability 

If you are eager to start treating your tinnitus, you can easily check your suitability and frequency online by clicking here. For best results, use headphones and try to match the volume and frequency of your ear ringing with the sound you hear on this frequency identifier. Once you’ve done this, you’re all set and ready to begin working with your tinnitus treatment app. 

The revolutionary mobile app will customise your treatment based on your frequency to give you optimum results. The more you use your app, the more you will be able to minimise your tinnitus symptoms and go about your day with ease. 

Help Is Available

The Tinnitus Treatment app created by Dr Hodge is easily downloadable for anyone suffering from tinnitus-related ear ringing. It’s designed to be non-intrusive and is affordable too. You can now access effective, life-changing treatment wherever you are in the world and minimise face to face consultations. Have any questions for our clinicians? Please contact us here.